    Top 5 PMP Career Tips For 2021
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    Top 5 PMP Career Tips For 2021

    Shubham Mehta | Dec 26, 2019 | 5591 Views | 0 Comments
    Top 5 PMP Career Tips For 2021

    With 2020 we have wrapped up countless memories along with some brilliant opportunities that some of us have encountered. If we look back in 2019 we’d find that even the industry had moved a significant mile from its position. In the year gone by there were about 1 million new jobs in the field of Project Management. In fact, research confirms this growth where it was seen that in the coming year i.e.2020 the market will go up by $6.1 Trillion and the industry is expected to generate 15.7 Million jobs for various aspiring Project Managers.

    We have 5 tips that can be extremely fruitful for all the aspiring Project Managers in the coming year (2021) especially to endeavor better opportunities and higher prospectus. These tips will get you in the right mind space and mindset to kick start your 2021 in terms of heading exactly where you wish to reach. These include:-

    1. Be Realistic:

    A lot of us believe that no organization enrol new talent from thanksgiving to the New Year, which in the Asian countries could typically be the time from November to March. The truth of the matter is that a lot of organizations prefer getting fresh and quality talent by the end of the year. This is because by the time January hits the calender the giants get busy in preparing for the new year with its annual audits, budgeting, and appraisals. January to March Invariably becomes the most hectic quarter for all the organizations across industries. November to December is the time when organizations prefer recruiting senior-level portfolio/program executives in their organizations to balance their business needs. This means by the time 1st January knocks at your doorstep you should have answers to the following key questions:-

    • Where’s your career heading? And what are your career goals for 2021?
    • Are your CVs or Resumes updated with all your key accomplishments that are aligned in accordance with your career goals?
    • What are your development plans this may include your training plans, books that need to be read in the pipeline and the right mentor to guide for the same such that you are heading in the right direction?

    2. Trying moving up the ladder of your success with the skills and experience you possess:

    Each one of us operating in the industry works with the single agenda to grow both financially and experientially including our designations. This may include the agility and building a repertoire of experience and micro roles, for professionals who have been into the industry or in a given system for seven or more years you might feel that you’ve been there for quite a while in case if you’re expecting a raise or a promotion stay put or else two simple questions to yourself can make the difference.

    • Is this the place that you belong to?
    • How can you adopt or grasp a new and valuable skill?

    3. Get yourselves a visible transformation:

    For the professionals who are planning to make an organizational move from their current organizations to a new place. If it is because of the tone of the organization where a small change can make the difference. In such a case we’d recommend that you to talk about what you think with the management, however, the ideal way for doing this can be without being vocal about it. We’d recommend you to do is that instead of just communicating what you want or which position you are aspiring for and you have some changes in your mind for that to happen. We know you have remarkable and path-breaking changes in mind but don’t be vocal about immediately. Instead, try to demonstrate the impact of the changes that according to you are path-breaking for the organizational operations. We are suggesting this because transformation at the organizational level is about changing the behaviour of the organization and setting the tone. If you ask me for my personal opinion if I had an idea that can possibly transform the organization’s culture and bend the tone of the organization. Something like a sample training that can help the audience to learn about the change along with some follow up sessions with them on the same lines. Once I have gained some positive responses from the sample population I can implement it in the organization. Sampling will help you in getting the real-time feedback that can be useful in making practical and appropriate changes in your plan. This can eventually become a very effective method in building trust and enhancing credibility in your organizations. [ Get PMP Training with the best Price]

    Top 5 PMP Career Tips For 2021’/></p>
<h4 dir=4. Patience is the key sometimes:

    The most difficult thing about any idea is that we want to implement it and take advantage of it depending upon what the market has to offer for the organization. And the stakes for this shoot up when we’re talking about a path-breaking idea that can disrupt the market and help you in managing projects well. The best way to do this is by managing this by eliminating clusters which is only possible if you have addressed the issue with systematic management. This can be witnessed by somebody who has been off the idea of managing Project. This professional while making his/ her walk back to projects would realize that there are various areas that need to scrutinized which surprisingly would range from 30 to 40%. This may include portions where you need to be broken, redundant or repeated portions in the project which you didn’t pay attention to while you were busy making it happen. By getting rid of such elements you can create space for new elements that are important and can make a huge difference. This is something that will demand some time from you and push to be patient. The project manager can follow these simple steps to scrutinize all the ends while managing projects at a large scale. The steps include:-

    • Inventory/ Stock: Prepare a detailed list of all the projects, programs and activities consuming resources can be a huge help.
    • Rationalize: Prioritising and scrutinizing every big and small thing with the ide to check the ROI of it (Return On Investment) will help you identify will it really help in moving the needle? This would even help you in designing simple
    • Follow the three S (Start, Stop & sustain): Making decisions and trade-offs about what to do and comparing it with your traditional approach about what you have done in the past, especially when it has been about a decision that you have to make quite often and have been making for quite a while. This will help you in identifying areas that you now need to work on in order to sustain in the industry and/ or to facilitate your client in terms of pushing through this project you are working on.
    • Annual/ Quarterly Reviews: A thorough and a constant check about what you have achieved and what more do you need to do for completing the project. This will help you in spotting situational changes over strategical.

    5. Volunteer for your next role:

    Ideally by the time you’re done and dusted with the previous project you were being assigned a new project by your managers. This time as soon as you are done with the previously done project you should share with your manager or leader about what would you like to do in the upcoming project. This can happen only by following these key steps:-

    • Be to the point and share what you expect from your manager:Be certain about what type of role would you like to take up in the next project will help you just be as specific as you can be with your superior
    • Develop a plan of action: This should include things like resources, steps and dates you’d be requiring of. this will help you in getting the role you are eyeing at. This may work in your favour in terms of developing a skill or experience that you need in tackling the project
    • Track your progress:Just keeping checking where are you at, how did you start, was it a bumpy ride so far every week. This will help you in sharing it with your leader that they’ve not made any mistake by letting you take up the role you had asked for.

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
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