    Oracle vs SQL Server: What’s the key difference?
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    Oracle vs SQL Server: What’s the key difference?

    Devarpita Pathak | Jan 04, 2019 | 4091 Views | 0 Comments
    Oracle vs SQL Server: What’s the key difference?

    Needless to say, both Oracle and SQL technologies are at high priority in the industry these days. In order to understand the technologies in a better manner, we need to begin from the very beginning, understand their similarities, before describing the differences.

    As we know these technologies have many similarities in the functionality that they provide. They are both relational database management systems (RDBMS); however, they have many disparities as well. When you know all the details following a career path and keeping expectations accordingly becomes easier.

    Let us understand each technology (Oracle vs SQL server market share) at length:

    Understanding Microsoft SQL Server:

    Being a database product of Microsoft MS SQL allows users to SQL queries and execute them. It is one of the most stable, secure and reliable database solutions. The technology offers a wide range of transaction processing, business intelligence and analytics in corporate IT environments.

    Microsoft SQL Server - Features

    • It supports BI tools, SQL Server Management Studio, Profiler, and Database Tuning Advisor.

    • It supports "online" support and documentation, and LIVE product support.

    • It provides advanced customization option for datatype mapping, delete and rename objects.

    • It displays warning messages, errors, and migration in a progress window.

    • A single and integrated environment for SQL Server database Engine management and authorizing.

    • An activity filtering and monitoring feature and automatic refresh.

    • When a dialog is open it allows access to multiple tools, resizable dialogs.

    • Exporting and Importing from SQL Server Management Studio.

    Understanding Oracle Database:

    Oracle database is an RDMS system from Oracle Corporation and software that is built around relational Database Framework. It allows the data objects to be accessed by the users who are using SQL language. Needless to say, Oracle is entirely a scalable RDBMS architecture and is widely used all over the world.
    It goes without saying that Oracle is one of the biggest vendors in the IT market and its flagship RDBMS product is commonly known as the Oracle Database.

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    Oracle Database: Features

    • When compared to databases it has ease of recovery.

    • It let you change the platforms at any moment.

    • The RDMS system is equipped to handle immense data.

    • It gives an option to scale-out and scale-up strategies.

    • It has support for test hardware and  OS specific virtualization technologies.

    • The database allows you to rerun actual production workloads, including user and batch workloads in test environments.

    • The standby database can act as a primary database and primary database becomes unavailable.

    • It is based on testing or backups, read-write and reduces the load on the primary database.

    sql server vs oracle

    Oracle vs SQL Server Comparison Chart:

    oracle vs sql server comparison chart

    Oracle vs SQL Server 2021: Few Different Tools

    SQL Language: As we know by now that both SQL Server and Oracle have an implementation of Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL Server and Oracle have very similar implementations of ANSI/ISO Structured Query Language but not identical.

    Transaction Control: By default SQL Server has implicit transactions and you can have explicit transactions in SQL Server; however, the default server behavior is implicit. In Oracle; however, nothing is committed until someone intentionally commits the transactions.

    Different Tools: Obviously, when the products are different the tools have to be different. In SQL Server you get and graphics-rich interface it is GUI (graphical user interface) called the SQL Server Management Studio, also you get a command-line tool called SQLCMD & CMDELTS in PowerShell. While in Oracle, you have SQL developer which is also an interesting GUI tool and SQLPlus which is the command line tool.

    So, overall both of these technologies are the industry’s most admired and high in-demand credentials, you are sure to gain incredible recognition and rewarding career once you attain expertise and gain the certification. Go forth, look for the training batch today!

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    Tags : Oracle vs SQL server 2021, oracle vs sql server market share, oracle vs sql server comparison chart, oracle vs sql server cost,

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