    Ransomware Attacks Targeting Government Bodies
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    Ransomware Attacks Targeting Government Bodies

    Shubham Mehta | Nov 30, 2019 | 1181 Views | 0 Comments
    Ransomware Attacks Targeting Government Bodies

    Texas DIR (Department of Information Resources) shared that various smaller government units have lately started facing ransomware attacks. Barracuda Networks on this confirmed that 66% of these attacks were targeted to local government bodies.

    Ransomware is basically malware inhibiting authorized users to access private data or computer systems. Now when cyber attackers attack Ransomware, they get access to encrypted content that is shared over the servers or even on a physical system. Ransomware happens for monetary gains by accessing the encrypted content flowing through or within the organization.

    Surprisingly more than 70 local and state governments within 2019 have suffered from ransomware attacks. This is so bad that this year in July around 225 US mayors stood their groud to get back the data after paying a ransom for their data. This resolution came in power when Baltimore ransomware was attacked by the hacker named "Robinhood". The shocking news is that the hacked data was worth $80,000 however, it was recovered at a price of $18 million.

    Such attacks have not only affected the systems but also have deeply had an adverse effect on the national economy of the USA. This is because the local governments perform on limited resources and restricted budgets and making unexpected payments for ransomware has been a costly affair for such agencies.

    Ransomware Attacks Targeting Government Bodies

    Why were these local government agencies attacked at such frequent rates?

    High offering to Cybercriminals: Local government bodies are efficiently performing IP-based activities that are collectively enabling them in facilitating their services at a large scale. This grants cybercriminals in breaking through the security infrastructure. Since these attackers are as technologically sound like an ethical hacker their capability of hacking into a facility is making the situation worse. That is increasing the involvement of the state"s Ethical/-sponsored attackers that is acting as a commodity for both the experienced and inexperienced cybercriminals.

    Difficult to hide such attacks from the public: Since the previous year to date there"s a rise in ransomware attacks by 363%. This has been possible because ransomware attacks in the business industry have been quiet because the hackers" prime target is the local government agencies. The possibility has suggested that breaking through the walls of government gets them (cybercriminals) into the limelight. Ransomware requires local governments to pull out cyber insurance and this situation staying constant has led to a rise of attention to this matter in front of the public.

    Fund restriction against security breach: Over the cyber attackers have understood that relatively agencies or companies operating in the city are more informational dense in comparison to the agencies in the towns. Since local governments have access to different kinds of data that includes citizen"s water bills, vehicle permit, parking tickets, and more. Now, if you compare such agencies with large enterprises you"d know that local government agencies don’t have as strong cybersecurity infrastructure as such large enterprises have. The prime affecting factor in such a case is government bodies falling short of staff. This is resulting in government agencies to hire/ outsource professionals who deal with such matters on a regular basis. However, sometimes it gets difficult for them to manage contractors facilitating them with such professionals because of the scarcity of funds in hand for them. The second problem that these agencies face is during the upgrading of their existing services with the advanced technology they often don"t adequate time to keep their systems off vulnerabilities. (Get the CEH V10 Training to protect your organization from cyberattacks.)

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
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