    Forget Classroom Training: This New Method will Jumpstart Your Upskilling
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    Forget Classroom Training: This New Method will Jumpstart Your Upskilling

    Devarpita Pathak | Feb 11, 2019 | 2501 Views | 0 Comments
    Forget Classroom Training: This New Method will Jumpstart Your Upskilling

    With the rapid evolution in technology, the mode of education has changed a lot. From traditional classroom learning to the on-the-go platform have drastically changed the way IT professionals are learning these days. With more and more working professionals switching to online virtual training these days, Training On-Demand (learn from anywhere and at any time) on your handheld devices is becoming the most popular option to upskill your resume in 2019.

    Classroom Vs Online Training

    classroom training vs online training

    As millennials are ruling the working class these days, many questions may strike you. These are regarding the online and on-demand training methods (as we are from the generation wherein we took classroom learning for 10 years, if not more).

    Several questions that might cross your mind, like -

    How interactive online training is? or,

    Whether I will be able to attend it and learn through it?

    or as simple as, how will I be able to do practicals?

    Benefits of On-Demand Training

    In this era of cut-throat competition and performance pressures, threre are many benefits of On-Demand training. It supports our needs along with giving us the flexibility, to begin with.

    Primarily, On-demand training involves making learning opportunities available to you at any time and from any place. So, if it is utilized in a proper way, it can bring you a better understanding of key core concepts, hands-on practice through virtual labs, increase job-based performance and productivity.

    rise of on demad

    Direct your Own Learning

    It provides you with instant knowledge and comprehension and let you use your newly acquainted knowledge at your workplace.

    In this era, where we are turning to the web for every issue that we face at the workplace, there is a huge problem here, because of these search engines can"t deliver resources that are unique and specific to your need, leading to more time consumption and less outcome.

    Traditional methods, of course, cannot address at the time of need. It takes weeks to organize and implement.

    We need to learn real-time and while on the job, quickly and it should offer you hands-on experience. Training On-Demand understands the need for a modern learner and lets you direct your own learning. It delivers context-rich digital resources to address your specific needs.

    Control your time, place and pace

    All we need is TIME. Don"t we? Even after giving 12-13 hours to our work, we still don"t get enough time for building our profile. In such hectic schedules, there is a death of only one resource, which is TIME.

    On-Demand training allows you to learn at your own pace from the convenience of your home, office, cafeteria or anywhere you wish and at any time.

    Video-On-Demand Training

    With Training On-demand, content from the source is right at your fingertips, whenever you want or need it.

    These videos integrate a variety of learning activities that help you attain the practice and apply what you learn in your work.

    Some of the engaging activities are :

    • Videos from leading instructors.

    • Guided discussions.

    • Evaluations

    • Structured self-reflective opportunities.

    oracle training on demand

    Cost-effective and Engaging

    It is a cost-effective method of professional development. If a company sponsor your training they would have to give you time-off also along with your training expense. This cost is reduced to half when you take training and you also save on your travel expense, room bills, meals, gas reimbursements, etc.

    Check out the 6 Interesting Reasons to Take Live Virtual Classes

    This content is brought to you by Mercury Solutions Limited, one of the best IT Training Company in India. Mehar Ahluwalia, the founder, with a vision of making the professionals’ career more fulfilling, is dedicated to delivering world-class IT Training programs and Certifications to the global participants.
    Tags : classroom training vs online training, classroom learning vs online learning,

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